Our curriculum at Prendergast Vale Primary
In the Primary phase at Prendergast Vale we aim to provide a memorable and inclusive curriculum which gives children not only a broad understanding of the world they live in but the social skills to interact within it.
We firmly believe that all children deserve the very best opportunities that education has to offer and so we strive to help all children achieve their full potential regardless of any barriers to learning.
We want children to be effective communicators and collaborative learners; taking risks with the resilience to make mistakes and reflect and learn from them. We raise aspirations through lessons which empower our children to be critical thinkers and independent learners. We aim to make links between topics through a spaced curriculum that is carefully designed to revisit and extend previous learning.
We intend that the children leave the Primary phase having developed the skills and knowledge to be reflective and curious thinkers with a passion for life-long learning.
As our school motto says:
‘in perpetuum discimus’ - we are forever learning.
We develop life-long learners through:
- Creating an aspirational high achievement culture
- Skills and knowledge progression builds on previous learning
- Providing a smooth transition between key stages including secondary transition
- Carefully planned small step progression within and between lessons
- Behaviour management that is focussed on restorative justice, dialogue and communication
- Varied tasks that promote independence, collaboration, reflection and feedback
- A spaced curriculum that allows knowledge to be reframed in different contexts
- Retrieval practice that is embedded across subjects
- Key skills and knowledge focus throughout
- Gaps are quickly identified and provision is planned and reviewed to ensure efficacy
- Regular pupil progress review meetings to ensure all children are achieving at their full potential
- Mapping progress and achievements from entry to exit points
By the end of the Primary phase, all children will have experienced a curriculum that gives them the firm foundations they need for a successful continued education in our secondary phase. They will make excellent progress, achieve at their full potential and will have the skills and knowledge they need to ensure that they have the best possible start to their further education, and the curiosity and independence to pursue their interests.
If you would like more information, please email