Admissions into Nursery

Prendergast Vale welcomes children to join our small, friendly nursery from the term after their third birthday.

We have one point of intake each year in September but welcome applications for children who become eligible to join our nursery in the Spring or Summer terms (January or April).  Children wishing to join outside of the usual admissions point in September will be added to our waiting list and places will be offered if/when they become available throughout the year in line with our published oversubscription criteria (please see our Nursery Admissions Policy for more details).

All children are entitiled to 15 hours of funded education per week (term-time only) from the term after their third birthday. Some families are eligible for an additional 15 hours of childcare per week.

We offer both 15-hour part time places and 30-hour full time places in our nursery.

A 15 hour place comprises of either:

  • Monday - Tuesday, 8:45am-3pm and Wednesday morning, 8:45am-11:15, or
  • Wednesday afternoon, 12:30pm-3pm and Thursday - Friday, 8:45am-3pm

A 30 hour place comprises full time attendance, Monday - Thursday, 8:45am-3pm, and Friday, 8:45am-1:45pm*. In order to qualify for a 30 hour funded place, you must meet the criteria as stipulated by the government. You will then be issued with an 11-digit code which must be provided to the school, alongside your National Insurance number, solely for the puposes of verifying this entitlement. Recieving 30 hours free childcare will not effect eligibility for Universal Credit, tax credits, childcare vouchers or Tax-Free Childcare. To find out more information or to claim 30 funded hours, please visit 

*A fee of £8.15 per week is payable if you would like your child to attend until 3pm on Fridays.

Nursery Admissions Arrangements and Charging

Applications to our Nursery should be made directly to the school using the form below. We can add children to our waiting list from two terms before their third birthday. 

Full details of the admissions arrangements for our Nursery can be found within our Nursery Admissions Policies:

Nursery Admissions Policy 2023-24

Nursery Admissions Policy 2024-25

Full details of how and what we charge for in our Nursery can be found within our Charging and Remissions Policies:

Nursery Charging and Remissions Policy Addendum 2023-24

Nursery Charging and Remissions Policy Addendum 2024-25

Please be aware that a place in our Nursery will not guarantee entry into our Reception Class.

Applying to our Nursery

To apply for a place in our nursery, please download our application form and submit below, along with copies of the following documentation:

  1. Proof of applicant address (ONE of the following documents):
    • Council Tax statement or letter (in the applicant’s name and for the current financial year) OR
    • Tenancy agreement via a commerical letting agency or solicitor’s letter confirming completion of house purchase OR
    • Letter from the National Asylum Support Service (NASS) or UK Border Force (UKBA) confirming the applicant lives at the address (must be current year) OR
    • A letter from a local or national housing organisation (must be current year and on headed paper).
  2. Proof of child’s date of birth (ONE of the following documents):
    • Passport (must be current) OR
    • EU national identity card (must be current) OR
    • Prescription or medical letter (must clearly state child’s name and date of birth).

For more information on supporting documentation, please see our Admissions Protocol for Proof of Address and Parental Responsibility, available on our School Policies page.

Submit your application

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