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Our Nursery offer

Welcome to our Early Years Phase (Nursery & Reception)

Our most recent Ofsted inspection says of our outstanding provision that:

“The classroom environment in the early years is very exciting, rich and vibrant. Teachers use space well and there are excellent resources. Children really enjoy learning because of this and are extremely proud to share their work with adults.” January 2018

We believe very strongly that young children learn best by playing and by following their own passions and interests. We support the children's learning by ensuring our curriculum is rich and varied and provides challenges that stimulate their interest and follow their passions, particularly outside in our lovely outside area.

Our nursery focuses on developing confident and independent children who are able to make informed choices and decisions for themselves, whilst developing a caring and considerate attitude towards other people and their environment. We believe that the consistency provided by regular sessions and routines, a familiar and consistent peer group and staff team, are significant factors in developing these life skills.

Prendergast Vale Nursery is a 50 place Nursery which is led by an experienced teacher and two experienced early years practioners.

Applying for a place

For more information, please see our Nursery Admissions page.