Key Information & Policies
Ofsted, Performance Data and Results
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Prendergast Vale School was last inspected by Ofsted on 30 and 31 February 2018.
- Overall effectiveness: Good
- Effectiveness of leadership and management: Good
- Quality of teaching, learning and assessment: Good
- Personal development, behaviour and welfare: Good
- Outcomes for pupils: Good
- Early years provision: Outstanding
Summary of key findings for parents and pupils: This is a good school.
To view our most recent Ofsted report, please click here.
You may also wish to visit the Parent View website, which is also part of Ofsted.
Performance & Results
Please visit the Department for Education School Performance Tables website to see a detailed breakdown of our results, or see the documents below.
Please see the link below to our Federation webpage which gives details of the published updates made to the way school exams and assessments have been undertaken in 2020 and 2021:
Key Stage 2 Performance data
Percentage of children who achieved the Expected Level at the end of Year 6
| Reading | Writing | Maths | Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling and Science | Reading, Writing and Maths Combined |
Prendergast Vale School | 71% | 79% | 71% | 79% 82% | 54% |
National 2023 | 73%
| 71% | 73% | 72% 80% | 59% |
Percentage of children who achieved the higher standard at the end of Year 6
| Reading | Writing | Maths | Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling | Reading, Writing and Maths Combined |
Prendergast Vale School | 11% | 4% | 29% | 32% | O% |
National 2023 | 29%
| 13% | 24% | 30% | 7% |
Average Scaled Score
The scaled scores range runs from 80 to 120 with 100 as the expected standard. There isn’t an average scaled score for writing as this is based on teacher assessment.
| Reading | Maths | Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling |
Prendergast Vale School | 102 | 105 | 105 |
National | 105 | 104 | 105 |
Progress Measure
| Reading | Writing | Maths |
Prendergast Vale School | -1.2 | 1.0 | 2.3 |
What progress measures mean
Most schools will have progress scores between −5 and +5. If a school has a progress score of 0 this means that on average their pupils acheived similar results at the end of KS2 (end of year 6) to pupils in other schools with similar results at the end of KS1 (end of year 2).
Primary progress measures leaflet can be found here
Information for parents KS2 results can be found here
Further information can be found on the website here.
Key Stage 4 Performance data
KS4 2023 results
Progress 8: 0.03 (average)
The DfE split progress scores in to five categories:
The top 14% of schools in England have a progress score in the category of 'well above average'.
The next 17% of schools in England have a progress score in the category of 'above average.'
The next 37% of schools in England have a progress score in the category of 'average'.
The next 20% of schools in England have a progress score in the category of 'below average'.
The next 12% of schools in England have a progress score in the category of 'well below average'.
Attainment 8: 4.6
The average score for schools in the London Borough of Lewisham is 45.3
The national average for schools across England is 46.2
% achieving a grade 5 or above in both English and Maths: 41%
The percentage of pupils achieving a grade 5 or better in both English (either Language or Literature) and mathematics.
The average for schools in the London Borough of Lewisham is 44%
The national average for schools across England is 45%
% of pupils achieving the EBacc at grade 5 or above: 25%
EBacc average point score: 4.47
The EBacc APS calculates a pupil's average point scores across the 5 pillars of the English Baccalaureate. The 5 pillars are English, mathematics, geography or history, the sciences and a language.
The average for schools in the London Borough of Lewisham is 4.1
The national average for schools across England is 4.05